Materials I am using (you can substitute with whatever you have): Hot glue gun and glue sticks, spray paint (optional), plexiglass from an old window, flower pot bottoms x4, a rectangular plastic container, water fountain pump and tube, grinder, box cutter/exacto knife, rocks I found outside.
Step #1: Make sure you have your materials ready and prepared and have something to measure with and a writing utensil will be needed. A. Make sure that your materials are working (Pump, Hot glue gun, Spray Paint bottle is full, tubing, waterproof tape, super glue) B. Spray paint flower pot bottom or leave them as they are.
Step #2: With your materials determine what and where you will be cutting.(cut away from yourself) A. The flower pot bottoms will be cut a little shorter than half and a slit for the water to trickle down the the next. Grinder will be needed for this B. Depending on the container, cut accordingly and make one for the plug of the pump. Use exacto Knife or box cutter for this C. Plexiglass for the wall to hold the cut pot bottoms, also make a small hole for the tube on the bottom and top. Keep in mind that you may have to make the bottom part a little slimmer in order to fit it into the container (This only applies to the bottom though). Will need grinder for this too
Step#3: Sanding A. Sand down the cut out plexiglass (a rough surface is needed in order to make it easier to stick things on it like paint/spray paint) B. The cut container may have some sharp edges so you want to sand those down. The same goes with the pot bottoms
Step#4: Start piecing everything together. (Tip: before you glue everything together you can use tape to keep them together and then apply the superglue/hot glue once you found everything's place) A. You go on to placing the cut pot bottoms on the plexiglass in a stair case manner (the first one should be where the slit was made earlier) and then glue(Three on the wall so make them evenly spaced for them to not make it all the way to the bottom) You want to make the last one come out so build a little stand with rocks that is vertical to the last one on the wall. B. insert the plexiglass wall into the container and glue in place C. Place the pump inside with the tube and plug outside if not done already. D. Where the slit was cut on the plexiglass, place the tube there (not too far so it doesn't show)Step#5: Seal any holes that may cause a leakage
Step#6: Test Run it A. Fill the container with water and plug in the pump. If there are no leaks and everything is falling into place, continue if not figure out why it's not working (Is it because you have the pump set to not give out any water?)
Step#7: Time to Decorate ! but first hide the pump/tubing A. Here is where you get to let you imagination flow. Make the wall have rocks. Put leaves. Make clouds out of the left over plastic if any Spray paint the container etc...